The baby ducks arrived yesterday late afternoon....put in their pen and immediately found a way out ...but just to the big here we go again...fixed it and meanwhile they cruised the yard and met the hens and cats.....when i returned from getting a beer sharyn and cb came back with me...and these are her pics...first time with my camera but we got them.....
They have been raised on dog food so sprinkled some that dan had sent in their pen with some chicken starter and rice.....and came in the house after they were returned to their pen.....thinking as always...and saw black cat hanging around and thought no...better put them in the with the caught them one more time and placed them in with the hens...they were so quiet and everyone slept fine...including me....the got the little wooden box on floor.
Let them out this morning but the hens were eating their food so put them back in pen and sprinkled some rice....they ate some and are walking around...have not found way into water yet.....